Unity- Language for Progress

The term "Unity" is derived from Unus which means one.This term itself has so many significance and understanding it's imperativeness is of utter importance.Unity makes things possible to achieve which are solely not possible or very arduous to achieve. Nowadays we are acquainted with so many clashes between different religious groups and also as the time is moving ahead they are on rise.There are more incidents of religious minorities,as per research by the Pew research center. This research shows a very devastating count with 33% of the countries are facing increase in religious hostility.
                      With the time people are becoming more intolerant.There are those who think that their religion is better, deeper and closer to truth than others. However, the ones closest to God always had a different story to tell. Prophets, spiritual masters and seekers belonging to different time periods and following diverse traditions have spoken about receiving similar visions and feeling comparable bliss.They are the one who have attained a position of understanding the utter importance of oneness and experiencing transcendence, realising the truth, appreciating unity.
                     There are two terms which hovers around and people sometimes are unable to distinguish between them - Spirituality and religion. They both are not identical to each other.There are chances that a person is religious but not spiritual or the person can be spiritual but not religious or that person can be adopting both.It is very crucial to understand the basics of these two terms to get lucid understanding of what differentiates them from each other and what is the significance of both.
While spirituality is the direct experience of realising higher consciousness within, religion is an institutionalised set of beliefs, practices and guidelines to be followed. Nonetheless, historically, every religion has had its basis in the direct experiences of a prophet or master – and followers consolidated and formulated the teachings in the form of a doctrine."Creed" or we can say "Cult" are the terms specifying the set of belief or devotion towards a particular idol.
Therefore, when we look deeply,we find that all religions are devoted to the one universal consciousness, and its myriad manifestations. There may be apparent differences, but the deeper essence is the same. For instance, God has expressed unmatched love and compassion through His different manifestations, incarnations and prophets. As per Hindu mythology, during the churning of the ocean, Shiva drank poison to save creation. The Bible narrates that when Jesus was being nailed to the cross, he asked his Father to forgive his executioners. Likewise, Zarathustra forgave his assassin by throwing his prayer beads at him. Then, there are several anecdotes that describe the compassion of Prophet Muhammad towards his enemies.There are many instances in which different religion gods have shown compassion &love and sacrifices even their lives to save the humanity.We should seek to love each other rather than denouncing each others religion for the sake of representing out religion as supreme.
                  There are many reasons for this heinous and perplexity towards each others religion. Psychology have shown many instances which explains why people  show hatred and prejudices to religions in which they don't believe.Yes,it is the reason of education,cultural influences,society,personality and judgement.We ignore the fact that god has spoken to us in the same language.We make different perceptions,interpreted them in different ways and made different gods by the influence of externals factors.It will be far better to dissolve our prejudices and cultism and adopt a single language of unity which will make our world and life more happy and Joyous.

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