Peaceful mind - Garden to happiness

"Peace of mind is key to happiness" this is a well known quote everybody might have heard about and everybody wants happiness in their life.I haven't met anyone who had said that i don't want happiness and this is a fact that everybody wants loves to see their life happy and prosperous.But the question arises how can we get happiness and where can i find happiness? Relying on evanescent sources of happiness People across the globe have different perspective regarding happiness but the very common among them is relying on false beliefs and this practice is almost experienced by each and every individual in his/her life and are still going on and will keep on going. One cigarette, one peg of whisky, one night at the club – that is how it begins and gradually you are pulled deeper into these vices until your body can take no more. Your lungs, liver and kidneys become overburdened with removing the toxins you keep putting inside your body in the search for hap...